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Lawn Care Advice for August!

With August on the horizon its now time to look ahead and get your lawn ready for the fall. This guide will show you how to care for your lawn in August to ensure your lawn has a great fall and even greater spring and summer for 2022.

How to care for your Emerald Lawn - Emerald Lawns

Continue to care for your lawn as you have been doing for May, June & July. Mow your garden lawn on a regular basis but avoid cutting it too short, Doing so would cause your lawn to lose moisture and dry out. The end of the summer is typically a great time to replenish your lawn, As the weather tends to be drier nutrients within your soil are often stripped away. Apply an organic fertiliser to replenish these lost nutrients. Additionally, continue to water the lawn on regular basis.

Note: It is better to water your lawn early in the morning or in the evening as this allows the water a chance to sink into your lawn as opposed to evaporating.

3 Additional August Lawn Care Tips

Mow Your Grass High

Mowing Lawns to the Right Height | Bioadvanced

To have your best cut in August keep your cutting setting on the tallest, as the heat puts stress onto your lawn, keeping the grass longer will help your grass to stay greener and in better condition. Plants will be able to keep more moisture and protect the soil better.

Reseed And Fertilize

Spring and Summer Grass Fertiliser - Grass and Lawn Seed | by McGuinness Seeds

If you have plans to reseed any areas of your lawn, August is a great time to do it. Reseeding in late summer will allow time for the seed to sprout during ideal growing conditions in fall for a great start for the new year.

Dethatch & Aeration

Aerating vs. Dethatching | Sod University | Sod Solutions

Are areas of your garden lawn prone to mold or fungus? If so dethatching and core aeration may need to be done in these areas. Why it is best to be done in late August is that you lawn will need approximately 4 weeks of recovery to ensure optimal growth

Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate down into the grass roots. This helps the roots to develop and grow deeply which produces a stronger, more vigorous lawn. The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction, and assist drainage.

Thatch is the layer of living and dead grass shoots, stems, and roots that forms between the green grass blades and the soils surface in your lawn. Dethatching helps to remove this thick layer of decaying plant material so air, water, nutrients, and fertilizer can reach the soil better, allowing the lawn to drain more effectively. Promoting growth of the grass at a lower level and allowing the grass leaves to grow in a more condensed manner.

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